Do you know story of the seed ? How it grows , develops , how struggles for hold on to the ground?
First , sprinkles over large and wide lands. It is alone , small but determined to belong to its soil. Waits to grow and to be more productive. Sometimes washed with the rain , sometimes fed by sun , sometimes the seasons bend its neck but to be strong is patience.
Seed knows that and always keeps its head up . When its time comes , it gets the reward of always looking up and never give up then gives crop. It knows it will back to ground , to its home after good crop. Always starts again , never stops , never ends and always getting stronger.
Just like MOPAK Group… Mopak Group,which started paper production a century ago , is today the largest establishment in Middle East and Balkans.
As the architect of great successes achieved by %100 Turkish fund , it is the biggest dynamo of the sector with its export many countries. Mopak is a world famous brand with high growth rate, product range from 18 gr to 500 gr and exports to 46 countries. Annual production and paper processing capacities of MOPAK are as follows :